The Power of The Word of God
Many in theological circles debate on the authenticity and veracity of the word of God. There are those that argue that the bible is a mere historical book with a catalogue of fables and stories of ancient men and women who were trying to formulate their picture of God. Some argue that the bible is an archaic book that does not deserve an audience in modernity. The Enligthenment was an era in which science and reason rose to challenge every form of authority including the scriptures. According to individuals such as Immanuel Kant and David Hume the Bible was an unscientific piece of relic that did not deserve the attention of intelligent men, those who had been enlightened by sceintific inquiry. However there are those of us who argue on the contrary. We believe that the Word of God is still relevant and applicable to our daily lives even in postmodernity. Individuals such as Karl Barth and Fredrick Schleiermacher also argued soon after the events of the Holocaust and World War 1 that the Enlightenment project had erroneously rendered the word useless. They reasoned that if the Enlightenment was the bastion of human existence why is there so much evil in the world. They argued that science was not adequate or even equipped to deal with issues of evil and the nature of the Human soul and the tragic. The pendulum swinged back towards the Word of God. Paul Tillich argued using the method of correlation stating that the philosopical questions raised in situation (historical time and place of existence) can only be adequately addressed by revelation(scriptures). I argue that everytime humanity tries to undercut the Word of God they end up realizing that they have done a grave error. I believe that the Word of God is alive and active; it is infallible, inerrant, and inspired. In it we have a fountain of wisdom and knowledge pertaining to every issue of human existence. The Word of God is a paragon of strenth and virtue.
From the Old Testament to the New Testament we read about the story of humanity and its relation to God and his Word. We witness examples of those who obeyed the Word of God and prospered and those who disobeyed and perished. The Bible is a book of instructions to humanity through the prototypes of the nation of Isreal in the Old Testament and the Church(the spiritual Isreal) in the New Testament. God has given us basic instructions before leaving earth. The Bible carries the Word of God but it does not exhaust his Word because if all the things Jesus said and did were incorporated the world would not be able to contain the books.
The Word of God is alive and active according to Hebrews 4:12. It is dynamic, quick and powerful. It is able to discern the hearts of men. It is profitable for instruction and correction. The Word is transformative, it changes us into the image of Christ. The Word is the purest mirror that reflects our truest image(Christ). The Word of God is like a hammer capable of breaking every demonic chain. There is nothing hidden from the forensic nature of the word. According to John 1:1-3 "In the beginning was the word, the word was with God and the word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him: and without him was not anything made that was made." It is therefore reasonable to deduce that the Word of God is Jesus Christ. The Greek word used in John is logos which means reason, logic, idea or discourse. The Word of God is the idea of God and using deductive syllogism Jesus is God idea made manifest. So when we imbibe the Word of God we imbibe God's idea who is Christ.
The Word of God is all humanity needs to flourish in this world. Without it the condition of humanity is in dire desperation and need. Salvation only comes through the Son of God who is Jesus Christ the Word of God in divine manifestation.
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