Dream Big (My upcoming book)
We are living in a
dreamers world and everything that we see today began with a dream. Dreams are
mental pictures of the actual future.Dreams are indeed seeds of the future. You
can not fully actualise your destiny without a dream.The Wright brothers had a
dream that man would fly one day and today their dream is our reality. Before
there was an Airbus or Boieng there was a dream, before there was a light bulb,
Thomas Edison had a dream, before there was the emancipation of the black race
in United States of America, Dr Martin Luther King Jr had a dream.Before God
created the earth He had a dream.
You are not meant
to live life by chance but rather by design. Why should someone else determine
the house you live in , the car you drive or the vocation you pursue?It is time
to wake up and dream big.This book is meant to ignite you, motivate and inspire
you to dream beyond human limitations. Dreams are elastic they can be stretched
to fit your faith level. God says " For I know the plans that I have for
you plans for you to prosper and have an expected end".Expectation is the
womb for miracles.What you do not anticipate you can not receive.What you do
not expect you will never experience. What your heart designs the mind
automatically assigns a map to acquire it.Revelation is the key for restoration,
for what has not been revealed cannot be restored.
Dreamers are
pacesetters and they are world changers.I have been sent to let you know that
your dreams will come to pass if you are willing and obedient. The word of God
says the if you are willing and obedient you shall eat the good of the land.
The word of God is a dream center, it is the mine field of divine dreams.
God given dreams
cannot die, for God is not a man that He should lie nor the son of man that he
should change his mind.God will do what He said He will do.Your time for
mourning and pain is over, now is your set time and season for rejoicing. God
is about to give you dreams that will revolutionize your world. Your dreams
will literally save the world from decadence. God is about to make you a record
breaker, a wonder in your generation. God gave Joseph dreams of headship and leadership
when he was still a teenager. Age is just a number do not let age limit your
It is the dawn of a
new day, a beckoning of a new era. It is time to invoke the mind of God and be
all that God has ordained you to be.Before you where formed in your mother's womb
God ordained you to be....Yes to be the head only and not the tail, to
be a leader and not a follower.There is an assignment on your life, you were
created for a reason. God was deliberate when He created you, you are not an
accident. God fearfully and wonderfully made you on purpose.This book is meant
for you to discover the potential that God placed in your life and utilise it
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